Friday, 21 November 2014

Scream from a Son!!

 In concern to the GAP, and the sight to which we saw the River being used or overused i thought of using skills of exaggeration build a verse-
 The son of the river Ganga- Bhisma Pitahma, lies on the Gangamahal ghat, and looks upon the fate of his mother. He is worshipped daily but at the cost his mother dying, deteriorating into fragments.. he calls out to all and screams

"“She is dying, almost dead, We are wanderers of this crazy world. If we lose her now, we lose our mentor, a wise elder. We are one down, we have lost one of our own. Nurturers, carers, listeners, feeders, parents of all, I am losing my Mother!Let us weep and fill our tears within her"
  Inspiration taken from Sir Tim Berners-Lee

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